Katherine Maher

5 Simple Ways to Revamp Your Home on a Budget

Whether you have a modest single-family home in the city or a stunning lake house, designing it right is essential to making it as comfortable as possible. But while home improvements are sometimes expensive, there are many ways to redecorate your home without breaking the bank.

Here are 5 simple ways to revamp your home on a budget:

  1. Upgrade your furnishings and utilities

    Keeping your furnishings and utilities updated is always a worthwhile investment because it gives you comfort and peace of mind. If your couch, dining set, plumbing, appliances, or lighting are getting on in years, consider replacing them with newer ones. But before buying anything, it’s best to first consider what needs upgrading first. Think about the rooms you use the most and work from there. This makes the process much more organized so you can maximize your upgrades.

  2. Reface and refinish your walls

    Walls do a lot to set a room’s mood. Every detail counts, so choose the right color and design.

    Neutral colors like white and beige may look plain, but most other colors work well with them. You can adorn a room with decorations of varying colors – just make sure not to put too many in the mix.

    Accented, patterned, and textured walls can create depth and interesting layers too, so see which style works best for each room.

  3. Update your storage

    Revamping isn’t just about getting new decorative items – it can also be about making more space for the items you already have. One surefire way to clear away clutter and maximize space is to build shelves that are simple enough to make yourself. From pegboard shelves to rope shelves, building DIY shelves is a practical and creative way to decorate and clean up your home. And even if you’re not confident enough to build shelves from scratch, you can always buy some really good pieces without burning a hole in your wallet.

  4. Refresh your decor

    Even the tiniest changes can make a difference. Refresh and redecorate your home with small decor that makes an impact.

    Take a look around the home, determine how you’d like to feel every time you’re in each room, then make improvements Replace your old throw pillowcases, add some greenery, or even upgrade your lampshades. Have you’ve been meaning to display more photos? Now’s the perfect time to put some in picture frames!

  5. Freshen up your bedroom

    After a long day, the bedroom is the perfect place to get some peace and quiet, so it only makes sense to keep it as comfortable as possible. Recall the last time you splurged on a set of bedsheets. If it’s been a while, then it’s time to get some new ones! Consider getting a homey but elegant statement piece to tie the room’s décor together. You could also repaint the walls or the ceiling to freshen up the space.

Looking for the next home to revamp? Find the perfect spot in Montgomery County, TX. Contact us, the Lady of the Lake Team, at 936.525.0095 or Katherine(at)lakeconroe(dotted)com to get started.